Full-service payroll
+ automated tax filing

Payroll taxes shouldn’t be on your list of things to worry about. Let us calculate, file and pay them for you.
  • - Automatic payroll runs and tax filings
  • - Quarterly and annual reports
  • - Tax remittance and expertise in all states

'I like that they take care of the tax forms and that my team can choose how often they want to get paid. It has been great, and the people who helped me set it up have made it much easier to use.'

Samuel Knickerbocker
CEO at Fuel Your Legacy

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Introducing PAY YOUR WAY

If you think free coffee is a sweet perk, easing your employees' financial stress will take morale to a whole new level. With Pay Your WayTM employees can choose to get paid daily, weekly or on-demand when they need it.

Learn more